Laser Hair Removal
Downtown Spa & Relaxation Centre is proud to offer exceptional treatments with the most up-to-date technologies.
*Complimentary consultation available upon request*
Clean-shave the targeted area
Avoid UV exposure and sunless tanning products 7 days before treatment
Avoid tanning and/or sunburns 2 weeks before and after
Avoid chemical peels 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after laser treatment
Do not wax or tweeze 3 weeks before treatment
Do not perform any rigorous physical activity 2 hours before and 2 hours after treatment
If you have botox/fillers in targeted area, wait 2 weeks before and after injections to receive laser hair removal
Avoid UV exposure for 7 days after treatment
If blisters arise, use polysporin ointment until healed
Avoid chemical or other laser treatments for 2 weeks
Use SPF30 or higher consistently after treatment​ and avoid direct sunlight
Exfoliate treated area to reduce the risk of ingrown hairs
Apply cold compress to treated area if needed
Body & Face Laser Hair Removal Pricing per Session
Face & Neck
Full Face
Upper Lip
Neck Front or Nape
Upper Body
Full Arm
Half Arm
Hands Including Fingers
Lower Torso
Basic Bikini
Bikini Line
Full Legs
Half Leg
Feet Including Toes
Full Men's Back
Half Back
Full Chest
Nape of Neck
Consultations are mandatory for the following services
Skin Rejuvenation/Photofacial
This facial reduces the signs of aging and damage caused by the environment and will overall improve the skin's texture. The result is a complexion that immediately looks healthier, brighter and more revitalized.
Full Face and Neck $300
Décolleté $150
Both $400
Skin Resurfacing
Eliminate or reduce rosacea, vascular lesions, brown spots and reduce the signs of skin damage.
Full Face and Neck $600
Décolleté $300
Both $850
Skin Tightening And Cellulite Reduction Treatments
If you're eating well and exercising, but still not seeing the results you want, you're not alone. Even with a diet and workout plan, many people still struggle with lax skin and lack of shape. You don't need to resort to costly or painful surgeries to get the body you want. There's an easier way.
Get one step closer to the figure you've always dreamed of with non-surgical body slimming treatments. They use advanced technology to safely and comfortably deliver energy below the skin's surface, where it works to tighten skin and reduce circumference. The result is a slimmer figure with a more defined shape. Today's treatments can target both smaller, hard-to-hit areas like the arms and jawline, and larger, more common problem areas like the abdomen and thighs.
Non-surgical radio frequency treatments rejuvenate the appearance of skin by safely and comfortably heating the tissue under the skin's surface. This triggers the natural production
of collagen and elastin, the key building blocks of healthy, youthful skin. The result is effortlessly tighter, smoother, and younger-looking skin.